Where clients come first




If a worker applies for benefits and receives a denial, they may appeal the denial with a written request within 60 days for a request for reconsideration. At this level, the Social Security Administration will have a different medical examiner review the file to determine if the denial was appropriate. If they are denied at the reconsideration level, the worker may appeal for a hearing in front of an Administrative Law Judge. 

It is important to understand most disability applicants are denied at the initial and reconsideration levels. Often this is due to individual’s misunderstanding of what is needed. Typical examples of denied claims may be the result of limited medical evidence or unfamiliarity of the claimant with the process. Attempting to obtain Social Security Disability benefits can prove to be a lengthy and difficult process. There are many factors that are considered for disability benefits and it is recommended that claimants who are filing for benefits, or who have previously filed a claim and been denied, reach out to an experienced Attorney in order to allow for the most proper decision to be made.