Where clients come first




 We handle all aspects of your Social Security Disability Insurance or SSI claim including but not limited to:

  • Gathering, preparing and submitting all necessary appeals, and documents during each stage of your claim.

  • Obtaining all relevant medical information including doctor’s opinions and submitting that information to your file at the Social Security Administration.

  • Preparing and submitting your doctor's or specialist’s specific medial opinion reports. These reports identify your diagnosis, treatment, functional capabilities and daily life impact.

  • Requesting timely medical treatment updates from you and your medical providers is a key in this process, as we act as the point of contact for Social Security Administration regarding your claim.

  • Developing an extensive background with medical evidence as the impact of your impairment(s) on your daily functioning. 

  • Preparing and representing you for the hearing should your claim go before an Administrative Law Judge.

  • Reviewing your file and filing an appeal with the Appeals Council should this be needed.

  • Regularly reviewing and working diligently to expedite the process to get a decision as quickly as possible.